ZoomProspector, Intelligence Components, ZoomTour are GDPR Compliant: Here's How

All of our products (ZoomProspector, Intelligence Components, ZoomTour, ZoomBusiness, ZoomOpportunity, and ZoomProspector's Admin) do not collect any private information from you or your website visitors. Since we do not collect personal data, we are not storing any such data either.

This makes all our products GDPR compliant.

As part of the Financial Times, we are required to be GDPR compliant in our practices and products. We've had extensive review by the Financial Times legal staff to ensure we are delivering services/products that conform to EU regulations, including GDPR.

In ZoomProspector's Admin, real estate brokers are asked only to put in publicly visible contact information to be associated with their active property listings. This information is displayed publicly on your ZoomProspector and is not considered private information. 

For Dealfront and your Lead Gen ID, any information collected by Dealfront is not shared with GIS Planning and is GDPR compliant through their practices. They are a separate entity and the only access to it is via Dealfront's website. Their website's privacy policy has a section on Cookies and Tracking.

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